Thursday, 17 March 2016

Rough Runner Training

It has begun...

So some of my mates have decided it would be a brilliant idea to sign us up for an obstacle course; 5km challenge.

Anyway, I am not one to flake on a challenge so I accepted 😊 and now have started the gruelling training regime.

I go running twice a week, on my lunch break with work colleagues. About 4.4km running and then stopping in one of the parks and doing some core (abs and "ting") workout each day.

In the beginning it was so hard... I felt like death itself (not exaggerating obviously 🙈) but now I feel great. I was always keen on working both my body and mind but this year was not great for me and I let things get to me.

I feel a different man again and now on a fitness journey.

These are some of the results from a training session. I am improving with every run:

My diet has also been cleaned up a tad bit though not completely. (Hey, don't judge 😂).

Here are some of the things I've been eating; beetroot, spinach, eggs, etc:

Also, see my previous post for other foods I've been eating 😋😋: View Post

I'll definitely be going hard and posting more fitness related stuff.

Check out the video of my preparation:

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Chat soon again!

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