Once upon a time... in a land far away (ok, due to the internet, everything seems close these days), there was a guy who had spectacular muscles (or so he thought).
By the grace of "Iron-Itus" (made up God of iron addicts), he worked his butt off in the gym as time went by; harder during the times of the white rain (winter) because he knew when times of the yellow sun (summer) arrived, he would be able to reap the benefits of the work he had put in and gain the envy of the less hard working mortals. :)
This is the beginning of the "Chronicles Of The Summer Sessions" in which I will be working on getting my strength back up to where it used to be (might need a ladder for this) and I am super determined to get my body in tip-top shape (don't worry, always working on getting my mind up to that level as well).
Watch the video and feel free to leave me your comments and any other feedback.
Also, feel free too to share and subscribe to my YouTube channel. :)
By the Power of "Iron-Itus", I declare this YouTube video safe and legit :)