You have got to love a bit of black and white photography... it feels like it brings out the "pureness" in a subject.
Sometimes in life, we need to extract all the noise around and see what is truly there; experience the message and worry less about the messenger.
The whole point behind me doing these few pics in B&W is in line with the messages I have been trying to share (in my own little way) which is: "as balck people, we need to peel away all the fakeness, noise and distractions in our lives today and focus on what is underneath; find the true message and come to realise that we are truly beautiful and are worth way more than we would be led to believe".
A chair is useless unless someone sits in it. We need to take our rightful places in this world; find our seats at the table.
Don't be afraid to cross boundaries and lines to achieve what you know and believe to be right. "Rules are made to be broken".
Forget about "we come from kings and queens" and be that for your family. Show your children what is right by example.
Finally, when we look at our people, don't just see a blur of faces but instead understand that everyone is an individual and deserve love and respect. We need to STOP fighting our own people and killing each other.
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